WPICTF 2018 Shell-JAIL-2

The WPICTF 2018 “Shell-JAIL-2” challenge:

This is almost the same challenge as Shell-JAIL-1 (see my write-up here for explanation of details) with the exception of one extra line in access.c (full mirror here):

        setenv("PATH", "", 1);

This means that before dropping the arguments to system() the $PATH environment variable is unset. Also the blacklist filter of the previous challenge remains the same. With that only built in sh commands will continue to work and since / is also blacklisted we cannot provide full paths to binaries either. For example id will now not work while pwd still executes:

But the . (or source) command still works. With that we can tell the shell to try to execute the flag.txt file and the error message will reveal its content. We still use the ? wildcard to circumvent the other blacklist by passing . "fl?g.t?t" to it:

The flag is: wpi{p0s1x_sh3Lls_ar3_w13rD}

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