I found a vulnerability on forge.puppet.com which allowed me to store XSS on their module page for a module I own.
User interaction was still required to execute the JavaScript payload by hovering over a link on the page, thus the risk was rather limited.
The issue was that not all values in metadata.json of uploaded modules were correctly sanitized. You could upload a module with the following metadata.json payload (abbreviated):
"operatingsystem_support": [ { "operatingsystem":"CentOS", "operatingsystemrelease":[ "5", "6", "7<script>alert('xss')</script>" ] } ],
When a user then visited the module page and hovered over the “CentOS” link, to figure out which versions are supported, then the JavaScript payload would be executed:
This issue has been fixed by the Puppet team.
2018-03-24 – Issue was reported to the Puppet security team.
2018-04-01 – Asking for feedback if the report has been received.
2018-04-01 – Puppet security team confirms and says it’s added to their backlog.
2018-06-13 – Asking for feedback if the issue is resolved.
2018-06-13 – Puppet security team confirms it’s fixed, possibly already since March.